The Importance of Conservation

As anglers we all have a duty to help wherever we can with regard to salmon and sea trout stocks. The Ilen river has seen a good improvement of stocks in recent times  and will continue to encourage our members to practice catch and release wherever possible which has become the norm for many members over the years and has shown the results with favourable returns of both salmon and sea trout to the Ilen river. We also encourage any visiting anglers thinking of purchasing a day ticket on club water to keep conservation in mind and to practice it whenever possible. Remember we set examples for young anglers and C&R is a good habit to pass on to the younger generation for the benefit of future stocks! Fly Fishing is a good way to practice C&R with barbless hooks.

  • Landing the Fish
• Research has shown that exposing a salmon to air for even a short period, for example to take a photograph, can significantly reduce its chances of survival.
  • Keep the salmon in the water at all times.
  • Use a large diatmeter landing net with soft knotless mesh
  • Avoid beaching the fish
  • No gaffs or tailers
  • Always handle the salmon with wet hands